Saturday, December 4, 2010

Still Waiting

The weather in Mongolia is already cold!  How will we survive?
We are still waiting for a contract from MIU.  We've met with the President of the University and it seems they want us to come.  So why hasn't a contract materialized?  It is quite strange and we are not sure why.  We are doing all we can to facilitate it but nothing at this point.  Our departure date was tentatively set for January 17th, however, we can't do this unless we have a contract!  We can only conclude that God is working in someway going before us, but we must wait and see what He will do.  It can be discouraging at times, however, waiting and wondering!  Your prayers here would be greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile, we continue to go through the house and clear out all the excess stuff we have accumulated over the past 25 years we've been here.  What a job!  Never again.  It is ridiculous the amount of stuff one can accumulate without even realizing it!

We are looking into insurance for overseas and of course no one will cover a pre-existing condition like diabetes which Richard has.  So that is a bit discomforting!  However, one of our friends in China did a price check for us for the various medications he needs and they are mostly available for a very reasonable price.  So that is good news.  If they are available in China they should be available in Mongolia.  But if not, we can always make a quickie trip to Beijing to pick some up.

You know it isn't easy moving can get quite an education researching it all.  So if you ever move out of the country I will be able to give you loads of information!

Thanks for your prayers everybody!

God Bless,
